Trumpets are one of the very first musical instruments, it was a signaling instrument used in battles and hunting, back before 1500BC. Trumpet is a brass instrument, falling under it many shapes, sounds and it is used in different genres. The most common kind is the Bb trumpet, it sounds warm and can blend with classical music, jazz and pop.
Are you upgrading your trumpet? Are you buying your first trumpet? Picking out the right one isn’t easy. The market offers a wide range, which makes it confusing to make a decision. When playing music in general, it’s important to consider factors such as the volume and the quality of the sound, for instance. Even if you are a trumpeter, there a lot of factors to keep in mind. That’s why we selected the top 3 factors you should consider.
1. Level Types
- Student Bb trumpets
Most trumpets are machine manufactured. Good brands have a beginner trumpet version. They design it considering cost and durability – as new players might not be able to clean it properly. They are made to help a beginner, play the instruments without making too much effort. - Intermediate Bb trumpets
If it is time to upgrade to a higher level instrument, then consider these types, they have more advanced features without the professional-grade cost. They will help you get a richer sound than your beginner trumpet. - Professional Bb trumpets
These are the most expensive, because they are hand made by selected craftsmanship and they use the finest materials. This level trumpet has all the features a professional needs to express his emotions and creativity while playing.
2. Valve
A Valve or a Valve piston is the main moving part of the trumpet, the player pushes them down to create different notes while blowing. You can find them in different materials:
- The nickel valves are usually found in the student trumpets, as they are hard and durable and can tolerate the dirt.
- Monel alloy valves are found in intermediate trumpets. They are softer, sturdy and have a bit of resistance.
- Monel alloys or stainless are used in the professional trumpets. They allow the player to play quickly, smoothly with almost no resistance.
3. Finish
All trumpets are made out of high quality brass, they differ in manufacturing – hand made or machine made. But you will find that the top finishes vary and can affect the sound.
- Lacquer is the most common top finish, darken tones and is available in all three level types.
- Silver plated finishes are thinner on the trumpet body which helps metal molecules to vibrate and transform better and brighter sounds. Also available in all three level types.
- Gold plated are striking trumpets that you can see shining from far away, however the paint may darken the tone a little bit. They are only available in the professional level type.
After you have known all the features and different types of trumpets, you are now ready to go to your local music stores and try it yourself. Test all trumpets in stores before you purchase any and don’t rush your decision, each trumpet has its own sound. Also, be sure to get adequate accessories, a cleaning kit and case.