Devastation has killed nine people

The devastating events that took place last week at Astroworld Festival in Houston, Texas have been circulating the social media. Mind blowing footage has been shared of the horrifying scene at the concert stage. Many crowd members have been shown unable to move, struggling to breathe and screaming for help from security and the concert host Travis Scott himself. Piles of people began to form, causing those on the bottom to become trampled and even suffocated.

Many wonder how this chaos could take place that resulted in the loss of nine innocent lives. The thought of going to a music festival expecting fun memories with loved ones only to receive a night of trauma and fear is something many cannot fathom. While concert crowds can become rowdy, even the wildest of ones hardly result in death. This has made Astroworld a mass casualty and one of the deadliest concerts in history.

As of now, nine people have been killed during the crowd surge that took place as Scott performed on stage on Friday night. Hundreds of others have been injured, leaving enormous hospital bills and feelings of irreversible grief for families caused by the show. This traumatizing event that appeared straight out of a nightmare is a result of poor planning and facilitation of the festival itself.

Many are wondering why the deadly crowd surge occurred, and especially why it was not stopped before becoming deadly. Earlier in the evening, security was shown being rushed past by a large group forcing their way inside of the concert gates. This made the crowd grow past concert capacity, leading to an unsafe amount of guests in attendance. Once Scott’s headlining performance began, these numbers overwhelmed security as well as the space available to watch the show.

“Due to the lack of adequate security preparation and excess amount of guests, those in attendance were the ones put at risk. Once the crowd became dangerous, Travis Scott continued to go on without care for those watching his show. He completed his entire 75 minute performance despite ambulances and medical professionals tending to those in danger right at the base of his stage,” shares Attorney Stewart J Guss, who is an accident injury lawyer representing multiple victims of the Astroworld Festival tragedy.

He continues, “This is a night that will haunt those who attended Astroworld for the rest of their lives. Whether suffering injuries, losing their lives, or being traumatized by the horrible events taking place, countless concert attendees have been greatly impacted by what took place. Those who were affected in any way, whether they themselves or a loved one were in attendance, are entitled to holding these negligent concert facilitators liable for this terrible night.

“Concert organizers and performers were responsible for keeping all concertgoers safe, which they failed to do. This was due to security and medical personnel lacking training, enough staff members, and adequate resources to handle an emergency situation of this scale. What took place at Astroworld on Friday evening was completely preventable, and those who have paid the price for others’ mistakes deserve justice for what they experienced.”

Guss can help anyone affected navigate the legal process associated with trauma or injuries that were caused by Astroworld.