Bon Jovi delays ‘This House Is Not For Sale’; reportedly returns to UMG

Bon Jovi fans waiting for the long-awaited This House Is Not For Sale album will have to wait a bit longer. Frontman Jon Bon Jovi states that the album’s been completed for some time now, but has been pushed back to fall 2016.

“The record’s done. The record is just being mixed now. I’m ecstatic with it. If for nothing else, out of pain come great songs. And I’m really, really, really, really happy with the record. I think we’ve got a fantastic representation of who we are at this time. So, the intention is to get it out this fall — sooner than later, because it’s been sitting on my computer forever, but we’re really pleased with it,” he states during a March Q&A on a Runaways Tour trip in Nashville.

The singer also states that the band hopes to follow the album’s release with a 2017 tour.

“And then the hope is that we go out early next year. That’s the hope. That’s the hope. February-ish, right now,” he states. “Don’t hold me to it. I don’t want to read it on the internet: ‘Jon said February.’ I think it just depends on everybody’s health and well-being at that time.

“But yeah, the record’s fantastic and it’s still definitely called This House is Not for Sale and it’s definitely — I’m really proud of it. It’s all about our integrity.”

Last year, Bon Jovi stated the album would be released in March 2016. While no official reason for the delay has been announced, it could involve a record label and distribution. Attendees of the Q&A claim that Bon Jovi confirmed the band has returned to its longtime label, Universal Music Group, after leaving in 2015, stating the label has “sobered up.” Perhaps Jon was able to renegotiate better terms. However, we have not been able to obtain confirmation of this. Burning Bridges, the band’s latest album, was released in August 2015 as a “contractual obligation” album and was the first post-Richie Sambora project.

There has been no official word from UMG or a release date

Buddy Iahn
Buddy Iahn

Buddy Iahn founded The Music Universe when he decided to juxtapose his love of web design and music. As a lifelong drummer, he decided to take a hiatus from playing music to report it. The website began as a fun project in 2013 to one of the top independent news sites. Email: