Classic rock songs, soul, pop, country; and even heavy metal plays; the casino DJ will often get bombarded with request for special numbers to set the players in the perfect mood to win lady luck at the spinning wheels.

Yes, even machines have souls, and the sounds of dropping clinking in the wheels add to the music and inspiration that sync and swing with the waves of poker and gambling. Many casino players have found out that the right themed songs allow them to focus more and shut out distractions. Also, with some secure online options, you get even better concentration with PayPal online blackjack as you focus on what matters, winning.

Some players may go in to the gambling hall with their headphones and their favorite casino classic on play. However, casino games are the ideal spots for social interactions and a DJ playing the right tunes will set the perfect party mood for everyone. The player and their buddies that surround the table all feel like one. They’re boisterous, they cheer, they gasp and they all win and lose as a unit.

Here are a few classic songs, across different genres, to slip you into the perfect party mood when on a gambling session.

Kenny Roger’s “The Gambler”

The lyrics simply pop out to the listener, especially to a gambling newbie: “You’ve got to know when to hold’ em… Know when to walk away…”
Even if you choose to ignore the advice from the legendary country music star in the song, you can’t ignore the magical atmosphere it conjures.

Elvis Presley’s “Viva Las Vegas”

Of course, you can gamble from anywhere — even in the comfort and ease of your home and mobile device. But we all know Las Vegas is the spiritual home of casino. Elvis whips up captivating imageries and sceneries with this timeless song. It captures the buzz, hum and excitement around a spinning wheel.

Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face”

Although this song is not exactly about poker, for obvious reasons it resonates with poker players around the world. You can tell that Lady Gaga loves the game and has given it a really melodious tune.

Abba ‘s “Money Money Money”

You can’t miss this classic on the list because, well, that’s what the gambler plays for: money, money and more money – with some helping from lady luck.

Madonna ‘s “Gambler”

Madonna’s 1985 hit gives a picture-perfect expression of the gambler’s silent prayer: bet it all on red and hope for the best.

Frank Sinatra’s “Luck be a Lady”

Here’s one real gambler who made a song about gambling. So, it flows more naturally and it’s easy to get in sync with the song. In Luck be a Lady, Frank tells the story of a gambler, Sky Masterson who bets in the hope that it’ll help him win back his relationship.

Ray Charles’ “Blackjack”

If you’ve lost at a Blackjack table, this song is the perfect staple to lift your spirits. This touching song is a good reminder that the best doesn’t always win. The lucky one does.