Concerts can be a lot of fun. There’s the anticipation of the show starts, the excitement of hearing your favorite songs live, and the feeling of community when everyone is singing and clapping along. But what do you do when you’re bored? Here are some of the very best tips to make the most of your concert experience.

Watch people around you

If you’re not into the music that’s being played, try to occupy yourself by watching the other people in your concert. Look at how they react when their favorite song comes on. What do people dance to? How are people dressed for this concert? Do they seem to be having fun, or are they just standing there bored? By simply observing your fellow concert-goers, you should at least have something to look forward to.

Listen to the music being played

For a lot of people, it’s hard to be patient and just wait for their favorite song to come on. What do other people say about the band or artist? Who is playing in this band? Do their songs have meaning? What inspired them to make the music they make today? If you take the time to answer these questions, it should help pass the time. Plus, you might learn something new about the artist from their performance.

The lighting effects

Sometimes concerts have ridiculously cool light shows that are fun to watch even if your favorite songs aren’t being played. Take note of how many lights there are and what they’re doing.

Critique the band’s performance

Whether they’re a local band or on a major label, there’s always something you can critique about their performance. Was the singer pitchy when singing that certain part? How is the guitar solo being played?

Is it distracting if people in the back are dancing? Things like this will help you feel more involved with the music at your concert instead of just being there.

Take a nap

Some people fall asleep at concerts even if they’re not tired because it is dark and they have been standing for a long time. If you don’t want to be caught sleeping, find a comfortable spot in the back where no one will notice that you’re sitting down or leaning against something.

Play an online casino game

Concerts are full of winding lines and standing around, so why not play an online casino game? This way, you can pass the time while still having fun. Table games on casino sites are the best type of game to try when you are seeking a source of entertainment in queues, as they don’t require one hundred percent focus. You can play as and when you get bored and you don’t miss out on any excitement that may occur while waiting as you can simply stop playing. The other benefit of playing table games is that they have great soundtracks and visual effects, and you have loads of games to choose from, including Poker and Blackjack. If you’re looking for a good time exploring those, take a look at the online casino games listed here. There are loads to keep you entertained while you’re bored at the show.

Get some food

You don’t have to eat a full meal, but a snack might be nice. This will help you pass the time and give your legs a rest from standing still for too long.

Take photos and videos

Sometimes you just want to remember a great concert. Make sure to take lots of photos and videos so you can relive the moment later on.

If there are any specific songs that you really want to hear, play them as a joke on your iPhone or phone. This way, it’s like they came on even if they didn’t!

Get a drink

Maybe you didn’t want to drink alcohol because you’ll be driving home later, but a drink is a perfect way to pass the time. It might even stop people from asking your opinion on what song should come next since most of them will be drinking too.

Sing along to your favorite songs

This is definitely one of the best ways to get through a boring concert. If you have any musical talent, this could even become your time to shine!


When all else fails, just dance. You can dance by yourself or with other people. Whether you want to mimic the singer or find your own rhythm, dancing is a fun way to show everyone that you’re enjoying yourself, even if there are long breaks between songs.

Head home

If you’re feeling bored, head home. That’s what a lot of people do anyway because concerts are pretty expensive, and some people think the music isn’t great. If you don’t feel like going home, but you can’t stand being there anymore, go to the lobby or concession area where it’s not crowded and wait for your favorite song to come on before heading back.


There are a lot of things you can do while bored at a concert. Most of these things are harmless and will make you look like an active fan instead of someone who doesn’t care. Take some time to try some of these ideas and see which ones work best for you! You’ll find something to keep you entertained in no time!