New single available now

Demi Lovato has released “Swine,” a powerful song inspired by the millions of people in the reproductive justice movement who have protested and continue to fight for the right to choose.

The song arrives ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the constitutional right to abortion in the United States. Lovato’s net profits from the song for a period of one year will be donated to the Reproductive Justice Fund at the Demi Lovato Foundation, which will in turn be directed to three non-profit organizations: NARAL Pro-Choice America, Plan C, and The National Network of Abortion Funds.

“It’s been one year since the Supreme Court’s decision to dismantle the constitutional right to a safe abortion, and although the path forward will be challenging, we must continue to be united in our fight for reproductive justice. I created ‘Swine’ to amplify the voices of those who advocate for choice and bodily autonomy. I want this song to empower not only the birthing people of this country, but everyone who stands up for equality, to embrace their agency and fight for a world where every person’s right to make decisions about their own body is honored,” Lovato shares.

A resource center has been created on Lovato’s website. This site includes a map in collaboration with The 19th that displays the status of abortion rights in each state at this moment, as the legal landscape is constantly changing. There are resources from Planned Parenthood – the nation’s leading provider and advocate of high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health care for all people, as well as the nation’s largest provider of sex education – and on topics such as how to access an abortion in your area, a hotline to dial if you need immediate support, what funds may be available for you, and how to access abortion pills. There is a space for others to tell their story, which will then be amplified by Demi or the non-profits she is working with. Lastly, there is a donate widget where all proceeds will go to the Reproductive Justice Fund at the Demi Lovato Foundation, which will in turn be directed to the aforementioned non-profits.