Musicians are subjected to varying degrees of stress and anxiety. Touring, performance anxiety, a rigorous schedule, and long periods of isolation from friends and family are just a few of the specific obstacles faced by musicians.

Traveling from place to venue requires the body to constantly adapt to new environments, which can disturb sleep patterns and exacerbate the stress response. Because incorrect muscle tension can hamper performance, the more stress a musician feels, the more this can affect performance and technique.

Taking Breaks

A good way that musicians can deal with stress is to schedule regular breaks during practice sessions, and even when on the road where possible. Having non-music-related activities that you enjoy is a great option to explore. This can allow you to switch off from work and let your mind relax and rejuvenate. Use break times to doodle, write in a journal, or enjoy all that is on offer with online gaming. If you love gaming, check reviews for the best online gambling Canada sites, where you will be ensured that gaming laws in your territory or province are adhered to.

One of the best ways to combat stress is to build and maintain a strong network of friends and family. Workplace or music industry demands don’t seem as harsh if you have individuals in your life that you can come to with problems and rely on for support. If you frequently travel and tour, be sure you have phone and e-mail connectivity, so you can stay in touch with your family and friends.

Exercising – Physically and Mentally

Exercise is often the last thing you want to do when you are feeling anxious or unhappy. But research has proven the immense benefits of keeping active, for the well-being of your body and mind.

Physical exercise allows you to release stored energy and tension in your body. You may not always be able to access a gym, but even a brisk walk around the block can reduce stress. There are numerous exercise programs available that can be done in small bursts. The key is consistency.

Relaxation techniques like yoga, deep breathing, and meditation are great forms of stress release and control that can be done anywhere. Mindfulness and practicing gratitude are excellent strategies to shift your perspective. Teach your mind to see the positive rather than the negative.

Balancing Act

Keep in mind that there are unhealthy methods to coping with stress, but these are not beneficial in the long term. It is important to eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water. Make informed choices. Caffeine, sugar, and carbs only make you more worried, so keep that in mind if you’re suffering from anxiety and stress. You also need to ensure you get enough sleep. This is often easier said than done with regards to deadlines and touring schedules, but you can make it a priority. Using medication to cope, overeating, and spending too much time online are not healthy coping techniques to employ.

The art of creation can be healing salvation for highly sensitive people who often find themselves in the music industry. On the downside, the stress and frustration of being a musician are not always conducive to self-care. For this reason, musicians need to invest in themselves to ensure that they keep stress levels at bay.