Selling music is like hitting a high note in a musician’s journey. It’s that moment when things start to ramp up and exciting doors open. It’s not just about making sales. It’s about unlocking many cool chances that can seriously amp up your music career.

It’s wild how people can get music out there these days. There used to be a time where artists hauled their vinyl and tapes to stores all over in an attempt to be heard. The music industry has really come a long way in the past fifty years.

We’ve comprised six ways artists can get their music heard in the current times.

Consider Third Party Sites

Imagine your track making it into a cool Spotify playlist. People get to listen to your music easily, which means more audience. Consider venturing to third-party sites like Distrokid. At Distrokid, you get to pay a very low fee to upload unlimited songs. They would distribute your songs to different music stores so everyone could hear your masterpiece.

Third-Party sites can be beneficial, especially if you are starting your career in the music industry. They offer lower fees, and some take zero commission. It could be your first step in becoming a superstar and you don’t have to sign any of your rights away.

Create Your Own Website

Having your own website is like having your little corner of the internet. No matter what you’re all about, whether it’s your brand or your music dreams. You can create your own vibe and share your music tale. You don’t have to play the social media algorithm game or ride trends to get your jams noticed.

If you’re up for selling your music on your own website, it’s like setting up shop online. Fans can buy your tunes straight from you. Lots of music fans actually prefer buying directly from the artist. They know those giant streaming platforms gobble up a big piece of the pie.

Create A Strategy

Before you dive into online music sales, map out your music marketing game plan. Remember the platforms you’ve picked for selling and where your fans can easily find your tunes.

Set a schedule to stay focused and hit those selling and promo goals. Start by nailing down which songs you’ll launch first. Decide if you’ll drop singles and when. Jot down your go-to strategies for pushing your music out there, all while keeping those sales platforms in sight.

Sell To Filmmakers

You can sell your music to be used in TV shows, commercials, and other media. There are several platforms that match musicians with filmmakers who may use your tunes for their projects. This gig can earn you money while gaining more audience for your music, and you keep the publishing.

Perform Live

Live gigs and events are like the heartbeat of any performer’s success. When you’ve got those fantastic shows lined up, shout about them on social media and all your online buzz. That’s the ticket to packing the house and making those events a hit.

Doing live gigs also showcases your talents to new audiences. You get to interact with your supporters and have a fun time. This could solidify your fan base. It could also promote your upcoming albums or events. It may not be an online strategy for selling your tracks, but it can help you achieve your goals.


Bandcamp is a fantastic independent spot where musicians can set up shop and sell their tunes to their fans. They’ve got all sorts of digital formats like mp3, wav, and AIFF. It’s like a golden ticket for up-and-coming artists to strut their stuff and build a fan crew. You can go beyond just digital downloads and offer CDs, vinyl albums, and all kinds of goodies in your store.

The Bottom Line

Selling your music online can be a challenging journey. You have to create an effective strategy to market your songs successfully. Choose the best platforms and techniques to be successful in the music industry.