The song is the latest from his new album

Rock singer/guitarist/songwriter Tim Montana drops a new release, “Shut Me Out,” from Savage, his debut rock album, which arrives July 12th via Music Knox/BMG.

Montana mines ’90s grunge for inspiration. Murky yet crunchy and metallic riffage lives among alternately contemplative and roaring lyrical laments about life regrets. About the poignantly redemptive track, Montana says, “Everyone I have played this song for — even back when it was in demo form — has lost their sh*t over it. If I’m being honest, it takes a little bit out of me to perform and to even hear it…but it also lets some light back in.”

With Savage, Montana gets in touch with his undeniable rock ‘n’ roll roots. Armed with grit, guitars and a hunger for glory, Montana has been endorsed by Dave Grohl and ZZ Top’s Billy F Gibbons, booked by David Letterman, and had his anthems used by the MLB and NHL. His moody, crackling, ’90s-influenced riffs and whiskey-soaked vocals reel fans in while his storytelling keeps them. Savage is a custom and combustible cocktail, served in a dirty, cracked glass that proves why Montana earned iHeartRadio’s “On The Verge” accolade.