The life of a student is hard. In fact, it’s really hard.

There are endless exams to revise for, coursework deadlines to meet, lectures to attend, and so much more. Inevitably, this leads to many students feeling under pressure, and like the world is on their shoulders. If you can relate, don’t stress, it’s normal.

Most students want – and need – some bite-sized, easy-to-understand tips on how to improve their studying. Guess what? This guide is here to provide you with them.

Through the power of music and other sources, you can improve your studying ability starting right now.

1. Stream music during your breaks

As a student, it’s essential that you find the right balance between working hard and relaxing. Remember, breaks help you to recharge your batteries and give your brain a well-earned rest, so make sure to embrace them with open arms. Heck, you can do whatever you like during your study breaks – you could eat some ice cream, play online casino games via or stream your favorite music.

Interestingly, music is your best friend when it comes to studying. It helps to stimulate you, reduce stress, and give your mood a nice little boost – basically, the ultimate studying tonic.

If you don’t know what music to listen to, check out these playlists designed specifically for study sessions.

2. Listen to relaxing podcasts and different sounds

If you find music to be too distracting, don’t worry, there are other alternatives.

Podcasts are a great choice. There are tons of relaxing podcasts out there – such as these meditation ones – that will help to guide you through your studying. In addition to this, YouTube is host to relaxing videos centered on specific sounds, such as ocean waves or birds chirping in the forest.

3. Place your smartphone out of sight

Let’s face it: people can’t survive without smartphones. No matter where they go or what they’re doing, smartphones are usually involved.

However, when it comes to studying, your smartphone can be extremely detrimental to your progress. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with using your smartphone (in small amounts), but if you’re checking Instagram every five minutes, it’s time for it to go.

Now, many people try and stop using their phone by placing it in their pockets – this never works. It doesn’t take long before it gets pulled out again, meaning the best (and most logical option) is to place your smartphone out of sight.

Let’s say, for example, you’re studying in your dorm. Take your smartphone and place it in the bathroom, or under your bed’s pillow, and turn the notifications off. It might be difficult at first, but you’ll soon begin to appreciate how beneficial it is to your studying.

4. Study with classmates

Studying alone usually allows you to get the most possible work done, but studying with classmates creates more learning opportunities. If one of you doesn’t understand something, you can bounce questions and ideas off each other until you find a solution. You can even help each other complete solve difficult questions.

Plus, study breaks are so much fun with classmates, as you get to kick back, make jokes, and have a nice chat.

5. Use library resources

Your campus library exists for one reason: to help you.

Inside, it has all the books and resources you could possibly need, so grab your library card and use it to your advantage.