The Metallica Report keeps fans updated from the band’s HQ and beyond

Today (Wed, Aug 2nd) marks the debut episode of The Metallica Report, a new podcast offering weekly insider updates on all things Metallica. Broadcasting directly from the band’s Northern California headquarters, The Metallica Report will be hosted by two of the closest members of the Metallica family: Steffan Chirazi, whose history with Metallica spans from covering the band as journalist in the ‘80s to his current role as editor of the band’s online mag, So What!, and Renée Richardson, Director of Philanthropy for the band’s All Within My Hands foundation, and well-known Bay Area radio personality.

Each episode will feature Steffan and Renée keeping listeners informed with the latest news and updates from Metallica HQ, as well as dispatches from the road as the M72 Tour continues to make its way around the world. The show’s mini-features will offer exclusive behind the scenes news and interviews with the likes of the touring crew, poster and T-shirt artists, fans, and even James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett and Robert Trujillo themselves.

In addition to the most inside and up to date Metallica news, The Metallica Report will be taking requests: Listeners are encouraged to submit questions, and Steffan and Renée will do their best to offer answers every Wednesday.

The Metallica Report is produced and distributed by Pantheon Media and reunites the Metallica team with co-producers PopCult, with whom they worked on 2021’s The Metallica Podcast: Volume 1.