Both items sold for more than $12,000 at auction

A pair of music items have broken records in the Goldin’s May Pop Culture Auction including a signed, self-produced Taylor Swift CD and a promotional copy cassette tape of Nirvana’s Nevermind album. Swift’s CD, containing cover songs by Dolly Parton and The Chicks, sold for $12,505 while Nirvana’s album fetched $12,200.

“It is evident that the cassettes and tapes category have gotten respect as a mainstream collectible category,” Dave Amerman – Head of Revenue & Sports Consignment tells us. “These items are items that someone in the industry might not think would have been collectible five to ten years ago however Goldin’s music and entertainment record sales are showing that these verticals have a very strong future growth potential.”

Additional items by Swift, Bruce Springsteen, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Notorious BIG, Jimi Hendrix, and others also sold.